How to use 3d transform property in CSS?

This property is used to apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. We can set below values: –

  • translate()
  • rotate()
  • scale()
  • skew()
  • matrix()
  • translate3d()
  • rotate3d()
  • scale3d()
  • matrix3d()
  • perspective()

3D Transform

  • transform
  • transform-origin
  • transform-style
  • perspective
  • perspective-origin
  • backface-visibility

translate3d( )

Syntax: –

transform: translateX(px)
transform: translateY(px)
transform: translateZ(px)
transform: translate3d(Xpx, Ypx, Zpx)

Ex: –

transform: translateX(10px)
transform: translateY(5px)
transform: translate3d(10px, 5px, 20px)

rotate3d( )

Syntax: –

transform: rotateX(deg)
transform: rotateY(deg)
transform: rotateZ(deg)
transform: rotate3d(Xdeg, Ydeg, Zdeg, Angledeg)

Ex: –

transform: rotateX(50deg)
transform: rotateY(40deg)
transform: rotateZ(20deg)
transform: rotate3d(50deg, 50deg, 50deg, 60deg)

scale3d( )

Syntax: –

transform: scaleX(x)
transform: scaleY(y)
transform: scaleZ(z)
transform: scale3d(x, y, z)


transform: scaleX(3)
transform: scaleY(4)
transform: scaleZ(5)
transform: scale3d(3, 4, 5)


Syntax: –

transform: matrix3d(n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n)



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How to use 2d transform property in CSS?

This property is used to apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. We can set below values: –

  • translate()
  • rotate()
  • scale()
  • skew()
  • matrix()


div { transform: rotate(20deg); }

translate( )

This method is used to move an element from its current position.

Syntax: –

transform: translateX(px)

transform: translateY(px)

transform: translate(Xpx, Ypx)

Ex: –

transform: translateX(10px)

transform: translateY(5px)

transform: translate(10px, 5px)

rotate( )

This method is used to rotate an element clockwise or anti-clockwise according to a given degree.

Using negative values will rotate the element anti-clockwise.

Syntax: –

transform: rotate(ndeg)

Ex: –

transform: rotate(50deg)

transform: rotate(-40deg)

scale( )

This method is used to increases or decreases the size of an element

Syntax: –

transform: scaleX(width)
transform: scaleY(height)
transform: scale(width, height)

Ex: –

transform: scaleX(3)
transform: scaleY(4)
transform: scale(3, 4)


This method is used to skews an element along the X and Y-axis by the given angles.

Syntax: –

transform: skewX(deg)
transform: skewY(deg)
transform: skew(Xdeg, Ydeg)

Ex: –

transform: skewX(30deg)
transform: skewY(40deg)
transform: skew(30deg, 40deg)
transform: skew(30deg)


This method is used to combines all the 2D transform methods into one.

The matrix() method take six parameters, containing mathematic functions, which allows you to rotate, scale, move (translate), and skew elements.

The parameters are as follow:


Syntax: –


Ex: –



No transform

Ex: –

transform: none;

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Create Language Transform

deployexpert created the topic: Create Language Transform
I am trying to create language transform, as I want Portuguese:1046, language. I took blank msi, I changed language in it, then compiled it, I got Portuguese msi. Now I want those changes in transform…

So I took MSITRAN.EXE, and used following commandline to create transform,

msitran.exe [old msi] [changed msi] [path to transform file] -abcde

My question is, to generate such transform, did I put right parameter? [-abcde]?

applicationPackaging replied the topic: Re: Create Language Transform
Which tool for packaging do you use? If it`s IS than there is possibility under Tools – Create/Apply Transform . Just follow the instruction on the screen

deployexpert replied the topic: Re: Create Language Transform
Not according to this article you didn’t. You want to GENERATE a transform, not APPLY it so my reading is that you should have used this:

msitran.exe -g [old msi] [changed msi] [path to transform file]

packager2010 replied the topic: Re: Create Language Transform
you can generate transform using Orca as well.

1. Edit MSI with Orca.
2. Drag and drop Language transform.
3. Make the changes.
4. Go to Transforms-> Generate Transform.
5. Save MST.

Hope this helps.

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