Comparison Between UCC, CLOC, POWERSOFTWARE,EZ-Metrics and Metrixware


Unified CodeCount (UCC) CLOC POWERSOFTWARE EZ-Metrics Metrixware
C/C++, C#, Java, SQL, Ada, Perl, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, VB, and VbScript YES – All ADA, Assembly, ASP, C#, C/C++, CSS, Fortran, IDL, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, PowerBuilder, Python, Ruby, ShellScript, Textfiles, VB6 / VB.NET / VBScript, VHDL, Windows Batch and XML YES ALL
Windows & Linux Linux 2.6.9, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows 9x/Me/XP/Vista, Solaris BOTH Windows, Linux planned but no date Both
Baselines comparison
How the tool manages folder hierarchy changes? The tool tries to match files between two baselines using filenames. As such, two files having the same name in different folder structures can be matched. The tool also detects to match and compare files if the folder is changed while filenames of the files contained in the folder are kept the same. NA No information NA
How the tool manages files which are renamed? Currently, the tool does not handle files renamed. However, if the file is renamed but its content does not change, the tool considers it as a duplicate. NA No information NA
How the tool manages files or block swapping? We have not handled swapping blocks of code yet. If the code is copied from one place to another, it is considered as deleted and added. If files are swapped and its filename does not change, the tool can match and compare them. Available No information Available
What is the algorithm used for line change detection? For comparing between lines, we detect the number of common characters between them and determine whether they are modified or deleted using a threshold. This threshold can be specified through a parameter named –t. For detecting bulk of changed or added code, we implemented our own algorithm for detecting longest common sequences. I am sorry, it is quite complex to be described in this email. We are documenting it in detail, and if you are interested I can send you a copy after it is completed. SLOC, PERL Mod No information NA
GUI & CLI CLI CLI Both but separate products GUI
Provide Qualitative metrics? No. The tool is focused on software size metrics. NO yes but separate product YES
Price Open Source Open Source KEPM (which includes EPM) costs 1,995 USD for a single license or 4,995 for a 5-user license Commericial
Frequency of the releases No information in net Regular One minor/Major release per month or 2 months.
Date of last release December,2009 Apr-10 16-Mar-10
Press on the net Not many reviews available in net Nope
Integration with quality platform Provides different language source for the integration. Nope
Recommend NO Yes No No
Algorithm confidence The total sizing of analyzed source code files in terms the SLOC count contains the highest degree of confidence. However, the sizing information pertaining to the sub classifications (compiler directives, data lines, executable lines) has a somewhat lower level of confidence associated with them.

Misclassifications of the sub classifications of SLOC may occur due to:

(1) user modifications to the UCC tool,
(2) syntax and semantic enhancements to the parsed programming language,
(3) exotic usage of the parsed programming language, and
(4) integrity of the host platform execution environment.

SLOC algorithm with perl string handling features and SPAN mdoules NA
Advantages / Drawbacks / Comments Output not according to our need.
Limited Output Format
Delta is not useful
Low Processing speed
Output according to our need.
Output in many form(CSV, XML, TXT and Mysql)
Delta is useful according to our needs
Fast processing
I tried 30 days trial version. They given web based account/dashboard to add src file and generate output. Which was not functional and could not test it functionality in details. Basic functionality is not working.
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SLOC Tools Comparison | SLOC Tools Differences | SLOC Tools Comparison Table


Tool Open Source – Commercial URL
CAST Commercial
Sonar Open Source
SLOC Open Source -> Commercial
RSM Commercial
LocMetrics Commercial
EZ-Metrics Commercial
Metrixware Commercial
Parasoft (Jtest) Commercial
Squale Open Source
KODERS Commercial
CLOC Open Source
Unified CodeCount (UCC) Open Source
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What is Code Coverage and Why Code Coverage?


What is Code Coverage
Code Coverage is an important measurement in Software Quality Engineering. While Software testing ensures correctness of the applications, a metric is required to track the What is Code Coverage Code Coverage is an important measurement in Software Quality Engineering. While Software testing ensures correctness of the applications, a metric is required to track the completeness and effectiveness of the testing undertaken. Code Coverage helps achieve reliable quality through identifying untested areas of the application.

Why Code Coverage
Software testing is a challenging function. The testers need to ensure complete functional and non-functional correctness of the product. Considering the complex workflows and use cases of modern day applications, the number of unique cases that the software can be used often run into millions, which is not feasible to be covered under testing exercise. The testers thus need to
– While Planning Tests
o Ensure covering all workflows in terms of decision trees in the code
o Ensure covering all data values – by identifying patterns rather covering millions of values
– While testing
o Ensuring the testing is completely exercising the whole application with planned and exploratory tests.

At the end of testing, the decision to stop testing and release the product still remains subjective, based on the presence or absence of bugs, inflow of new bugs, success rate of each test cycle, confidence rating of the testers or users, etc. Whereas the definitive metric of quantifying how much of the application was really tested, is missed.

Code Coverage is measured as quantification of application code exercised by the testing activities. Code Coverage can be measured at various levels – in terms of programming language constructs – Packages, Classes, Methods, Branches or in terms of physical artifacts – Folders, Files and Lines. For Eg. A Line Coverage metric of 67% means the testing exercised 67% of all executable statements of the application. A Code Coverage metric usually is accompanied by Code Coverage Analysis Report – which helps identify the un-tested part of the application code, thereby giving the testers early inputs for complete testing.

Benefits of Code Coverage

  • Objective Indicator of Test Coverage of application code
  • Pointers to uncovered Packages / Classes / Methods / Branches
  • Pointers to uncovered Folders / Files / Lines
  • Drill down to untested part of source code and devise new tests
  • Early Indicator for Testing Quality and Fixing it by adding new tests.
  • Remove redundancy in testing
  • Increased Confidence for Releases

Test Your Test

Typical Emotional Storyboard

  • Write Some code! Happy!
  • Does it work? Sad!
  • Write some test! Happy!
  • Do they really test the code? Sad!
  • Measure the Code Coverage! Happy!

Coverage Measurement

  1. Shows Which line of code are executed
  2. How much of your code is covered by your tests?
  3. Your tests test your product
  4. Coverage testing tests your tests


  • 100%
  • Coverage Ideal
  • Not Always possible
  • Can be expensive to achieve
  • Design for testability

Good: Write more tests
Only way to truly increase code coverage

Excluding Code to boost Coverage

Types of Coverage

  1. Statement Coverage
  2. Branch Coverage
  3. Path Coverage
  4. Loop Path Coverage
  5. Data – driven Code
  6. Complex Conditionals
  7. Hidden Branches

How; – Coverage Tools

  1. Clover
  2. Cobertura
  3. Emma
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Overview of EMMA | Code Coverage Tool – EMMA


EMMA is a tool for measuring coverage of Java software. Such a tool is essential for detecting dead code and verifying which parts of your application are actually exercised by your test suite and interactive use.
EMMA’s design strives for several, very elusive in their combination, goals:

  • report rich coverage analysis data without introducing significant overhead during either build or execution time
  • be useful in team development environments, while at the same time enabling fast individual develop-test cycle
  • support quick development and testing of small standalone Java applications as well as scale up to massive enterprise sotfware suites containing thousands of Java classes

Advantages of Emma over other coverage tools

EMMA differs from other coverage tools in its extreme orientation towards fast iterative develop-test style of writing software. JVM Profiler Interface (JVMPI)-based tools do not require an instrumented source build, but the runtime overhead of running with JVMPI on is empirically known to be very high and results in depressingly slow testsuite runs. For tools based on source code instrumentation, having to wait for a full source code rebuild just to check coverage metrics is not something a normal developer wants to do several times during a day. EMMA’s goal is to be so unintrusive that frequent daily checking of coverage numbers becomes second nature to every developer on the team, if not a completely automatic byproduct of every test run.

Install and Configuration

Method 1: To run on Command Line.
Copying emma.jar to <your jre dir>/lib/ext/ directory for whichever JRE you use from command line.
Method 2:
Still, if you are wary of adding a third-party library as a standard JRE extension, just make sure that all your EMMA command line invocations add emma.jar to the JVM classpath:
>java -cp …/lib/emma.jar <emma or emmarun command>

Implementing EMMA with Application

  • On the Fly Mode – Based suited for Standalone Application
  • Offline Mode – Best suited for J2EE framework based application

Implement EMMA in J2EE project {WebLogic, Websphere, Tomcat, JBoss, …}?

There are very less opportunities given by Emma that  you would be able setup emma for J2EE Project on the fly mode. The reason behind this to fact that many J2EE features requires specialized class loading that will happen outside EMMA instrumenting class holder. The server might run fine but you will unlikely to get EMMA report.
So, based Procedures to Instrument your classes prior to deployment (offline mode); offline instrumentation always follows the same compile / instrument / Package / deploy / get coverage / Generate report sequence.
There are following steps need to follow to implement EMMA in J2EE based project…

  • Use EMMA’s instr tool to instrument the desire classes. This can be done a post compilation step, before packaging. However many users also find it convenient to let EMMA process their jars directly (either in place, using overwrite mode, or by creating separate instrumented copies of everything, fullcopy mode.
  • do your J2EE packaging as normal, but do not include emma.jar as a lib at this level, that is, within your .war, .ear, etc;
  • locate whichever JRE is used by the container and copy emma.jar into its <jre dir>/lib/ext directory. If that is impossible, add emma.jar to the server classpath (in a server-specific way);
  • deploy your instrumented classes, .jars, .wars, .ears, etc and exercise/test your J2EE application via your client-side testcases or interactively or whichever way you do it;
  • to get a coverage dump file, you have three options described. It is highly recommended that you use coverage.get  control command with the ctl tool available in v2.1.



Emma Integration with other tools

Emma Integration with Sonar
Emma Integration with Hudson
Emma Integration with CruiseControl

jar instrumentation using Emma

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Introduction of Windows Internal | Windows Internal Overview | Windows Internal Quick Guide

Windows Resource Kits
The Microsoft® Windows Resource Kit Tools are a set of tools to help administrators streamline management tasks such as troubleshooting operating system issues, managing Active Directory®, configuring networking and security features, and automating application deployment.

Task and Responsibilities

  • Deployment
  • System administration scripting
  • Directory services
  • Networking and internetworking
  • Internet services
  • Custom and automated installations
  • Registry
  • Security
  • Policy-based administration
  • Server management
  • Clustering and load balancing
  • Performance management
  • Troubleshooting

About the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit
Once you have download and installed the resource kit (very easy process), you are pretty much set up, now all you need to do it work with each tool so you know what they can do, and that’s the intention of this article series.

After the installation, go to Start => All Programs => Windows Resource Kit Tools => Command Shell

Download –

If you do a dir, you will see the directory listing for all the files listed here. Each file has a brief description of what it does:

Clearmem.exe: Clear Memory
Compress.exe: Compress Files
Confdisk.exe: Disk Configuration Tool
Consume.exe: Memory Consumers Tool
Dh.exe: Display Heap
Delprof.exe: User Profile Deletion Utility
Diskuse.exe: User Disk Usage Tool
Gpmonitor.exe: Group Policy Monitor
Instsrv.exe: Service Installer
Memmonitor.exe: Memory Monitor
Vrfydsk.exe: Verify Disk

Reference –

What is Windows Service?
Windows Service applications run for a long time and are mostly used in server environments therefore they are usually called long-running applications. Capability to create windows service is one of the powerful features of .net.

Windows Service applications do not have any user interface or they do not produce any visual output. Services can run in the background while a user is performing or executing any other task in the foreground. If any user messages are generated, they are written to the Windows Event Log.

Windows Services are controlled by the Service Control Manager that helps to start, stop or pause the windows service, as needed.

Examples of windows services include task scheduling, running message queues, file indexing, plug and play device detection etc.

In the source code, Windows Service extends the System.ServiceProcess.Service class.

All Windows Services that are built in .NET need to extend this class. Visual studio includes the following methods by default, which are overridden by the service when it is created.
Dispose – clean up any managed and unmanaged resources
OnStart – control the service startup
OnStop – control the service stoppage

How to create Windows Service?

  • Select a new project from File menu.
  • Expand “Visual Basic” tab and select “Windows”.
  • Then select Windows Service in it and specify the name of the service.
  • Then right click on the form and select Add Installer.
  • Project Installer gets added.
  • Select ServiceInstaller1, go to properties and set DisplayName, ServiceName and set StartType as Automatic.
  • Then select ServiceProcessInstaller1 and set Account property as LocalSystem.

Windows troubleshooting For Build Issues

  • OS Environment issues
  • Application Configuration settings
  • OS Memory Utilization
  • Disk I/O activies
  • Services running
  • Network issues

The Windows Chkdsk (check disk) utility can find and fix common problems with disks and storage devices.

Disk Cleanup utility
The Disk Cleanup utility is a simple tool in Windows XP and Windows Vista that can remove temporary files from your PC, thus freeing up hard disk space.

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Introduction of CGI | What is Common Gateway Interface (CGI)?


Any Server will (mostly) do   

  • CGI will not work without a server
  • Your Server must allow CGI
  • Your CGI application must be written in a language supported by your server
  • You can use probably your existing web server
  • If you need to test on your local computer, you may install WAMP/XAMPP
  • Each Server has a particular requirements about running  CGI Applications

Experience in relevant programming language

  • Perl
  • Php
  • Unix Shell
  • c/c++

What is CGI
Common Interface Gateway

  • How web browsers submit forms and interact with programs on the server
  • Used for simple interaction applications
  • Can be used with any programming language
  • Often called “CGI Scripts”
  • Can be written in any language
  • Run in the server, not in a web browser
  • Must follow server requirements for running applocations


  • CGI will not work without a web server
  • Your Server must allow CGI
  • Your CGI application must be written in a language supported by your server
  • You can use  your existing web server
  • If you need to test on your local computer, you may install WAMP/XAMPP

Some Guidelines for Unix/Apapche users

  1. Permission – 755 ( aka rwxr-xr-x)
  2. Filename associates
  3. .cgi, .pl, .php …etc
  4. .httaccess
  5. Options+ExecCGI
  6. AddHandle cgi-scripts .cgi
  7. SetHander cgi-script
  8. Access to server log

Some Guidelines for Windows Servers
Many Windows servers do not support perl or PHP
May require ASP or C#
Usually require specific filename extension
.pl for perl
.php for php
.asp or .aspx for ASP
Access to error log
Check with your server web site or support staff

How CGI works

  1. Browser Communicates with server over HTTP
  2. Browser sends a request to the server consisting of header and optional body
  3. Server sends information to the CGI application
  4. Environment variables
  5. Body may be sent in the STDIN stream
  6. Server sends a response consisting of a header and a body
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