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Laravel Error:Integrity constraint violation

yesterday : when i am trying to submit data to store in database i got error integrity constraint violation rule

because role_id is foreign key and i did not mention this field in user model.

Solution: after role_id mention in user model my error got solved

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How to Store Multiple Records using Checkbox in Laravel?

First Part: first of all, we will learn how to design or getdata in blade file

In table we will set one field default value as no while migrating data


In blade file we will create one table

Next, in js we will create one fetch function

onclick java script function

Routing:set route

Route::prefix(‘/touroperator’)->group(function () use ($namespace) {

$controller = $namespace.'\TourDashboardController';
$tourcontroller = $namespace.'\TourDetailController';



create function in client side controller

Set env file:


Set Config file:

GET_MYHOLIDAYTRIP_URL’ => env(‘GET_MYHOLIDAYTRIP_URL’, ‘not found in .env file’),

Routing set Server side:

Route::get(‘gettripdetail/{email}’, ‘Admin\AdminTPController@tripdetail’);

Create function in server side:

Second Part: thereafter, we will learn how to store data after selecting in blade file

Set Routing(Client side microservice) :

Route::prefix(‘/touroperator’)->group(function () use ($namespace) {

$controller = $namespace.'\TourDashboardController';
$tourcontroller = $namespace.'\TourDetailController';

Route::post(‘permissiontour/{email}’, ‘AdminController@addpermission’)->name(‘permissiontour’);

Create function in client side controller

Set Env file


config file:

‘PERMIT_TRIP_URL’ => env(‘PERMIT_TRIP_URL’, ‘not found in .env file’), 

Set Routing in server side Microservice

Route::post(‘/permittrip’, ‘Admin\AdminTPController@storepermission’);

Create function in controller server side microservice

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Laravel Error: Creating default object from empty value when store data

today,I am updating data in one table(package table), but I wrote different modal name Trip Category

So,be careful while you are updating data ,choose correct modal name

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How to update multiple table rows using single edit button In Laravel Microservice

I have three table package,addimage,iternaries and triptitle is foreign key(common key) for all three table. my requirement is if i update package table using edit button then automatically updated addimage,iternaries table

In above figure 3 table package,addimage,iternaries and trip title and trips are foreign key i want to update those row whose triptitle or trips name is couple tour


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How to delete multiple table rows using one delete button In Laravel Microservice

I have three table package,addimage,iternaries and triptitle is foreign key(common key) for all three table. my requirement is if i delete package table using delete button
then automatically deleted addimage,iternaries table

In above figure 3 table package,addimage,iternaries and trip title and trips are foreign key i want to delete those row whose triptitle or trips name is couple tour


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ERROR: Unable to store image in particular directory

today when i storing image then one error appears

Solution:I have given permission to that directory folder public folder after that my issue is resolved

chmod -R 777 ./public


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How to fix syntax error or access violation while use Group by

above error appear if you apply groupby in controller function is given below figure

Solution 1:In config/database.php at “mysql” change : ‘strict’ => true, to false

reference :

now Your bug resolved

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How to add multiple image using Laravel Microservice

Step 1: take input image name as array and write multiple in blade file

Step 2:store data using ajax

Step 3: set routing

Route::prefix(‘/touroperator’)->group(function () use ($namespace) {

$controller = $namespace.'\TourDashboardController';
$tourcontroller = $namespace.'\TourDetailController';

Route::post(‘addimage/{email}’, “$tourcontroller@addsimage”);


Step 4: In client side controller create function to get access token

take a variable as array and pass inside for loop and all the data pass inside for loop till no of image selected

Step 5: set env and app config file


Step 6: Set routing in server side

Route::post(‘/addimagedetail’, ‘Admin\AdminTPController@storeimages’);

Step 7: apply bussiness query logic in server side controller

Finally our output looks like

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