Bootstrap 4.4.0

Bootstrap 4 is the newest version of Bootstrap, which is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. Bootstrap 4 is completely free to download and use! Bootstrap 4 with new components, a faster stylesheet, and more responsiveness.

What is Bootstrap?

  • Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing a responsive and mobile-friendly website.
  • It is a free font-end framework (HTML and CSS) for faster and easier web development.
  • Bootstrap is famous for being development with components that have the ability to follow the property of responsive designs.
  • It gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs.

Advantage and Disadvantage


  • Works in all modern browsers(IE9+,chrome,safari,mozilla e.t.c)
  • Rapid development
  • Fully and easily customizable
  • Comes with jquery plugins.


  • My new website looks just like everyone else’s !
  • No backward compatibility in between versions
  • Using Bootstrap for existing websites is a tedious task.
  • You will likely not be earning any money for quite a while.

Why Use Bootstrap?

  • Easy to use : Anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap.
  • Responsive features : Bootstrap’s responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Mobile-first approach : In Bootstrap, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework.
  • Browser compatibility : Bootstrap 4 is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Safari, and Opera).
vikashdev k
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