How to Use Removing elements in jQuery?

So in this blog, we’re going to learn that How to Use Removing elements in jQuery?

So let’s go ahead and do that for first in index.html, with help of style.css & main.js.

Removing elements in jQuery
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How to Use Replacing Elements and Content using jQuery?

So in this blog, we’re going to learn that How to Use Replacing Elements and Content using jQuery?

So let’s go ahead and do that for first in index.html, with help of style.css & main.js.

Replacing Elements and Content using jQuery
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How to use Traversing DOM Elements using jQuery?

So in this blog, we’re going to learn that How to use Traversing DOM Elements using jQuery?

So let’s go ahead and do that for first in index.html, with help of style.css & main.js.

Traversing DOM Elements using jQuery
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How to use Sliding Elements Up And Down in jQuery?

In this blog, I am creating a page using HTMLCSS jQuery after that define Sliding Elements Up And Down. So, Let’s create an index.html, main.js & style.css below-

Sliding Elements Up And Down using jQuery
Sliding Elements Up And Down using jQuery after effects
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How to use Showing And Hiding Elements in jQuery?

In this blog, I am creating a page using HTML, CSS & jQuery after that define Showing And Hiding Elements. So, Let’s create an index.html, main.js & style.css below-

Showing And Hiding Elements in jQuery
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How do you use Arrays in JavaScript?


Arrays are a collection of data items stored under a single name. Array provides a mechanism for declaring and accessing several data items with only one identifier, thereby simplifying the task of data management.

We use an array when we have to deal with multiple data items. Arrays are a special type of object. The typeof operator in JavaScript returns “object” for arrays.

Declaration and initialization of Array

  • Using Array Literal

Syntax: – var array_name = [ ];

Declaration and initialization of Array

  • Using Array Literal

Syntax: – var array_name = [value1, value2, value_n];

Declaration and initialization of Array

  • Using Array Constructor

Syntax: – var array_name = new Array( );

Declaration and initialization of Array

  • Using Array Constructor

This will create an empty array with 5 lengths. So this is not a good idea to use Array
Constructor if you have only a single numeric value.

Note – By default, the array starts with index 0.

Important Points

  • JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed: the first element of an array is at index 0.
  • Using an invalid index number returns undefined.
  • It’s possible to quote the JavaScript array indexes as well (e.g., geek[‘2’] instead of geek[2]), although it’s not necessary.
  • Arrays cannot use strings as element indexes but must use integers.
  • There is no associative array in JavaScript. geek[“fees”] = 200;
  • No advantage to use Array Constructor so better to use Array Literal for creating Arrays in JavaScript.

Accessing Array Elements

Accessing Array Elements

Access all at once

Modifying Array Elements

Removing Array Elements

Array elements can be removed using the delete operator. This operator sets the array element it is invoked on to undefined but does not change the array‟s length.

Syantx :- delete Array_name[index];
Ex:- delete dev[0];

Length Property

The length property retrieves the index of the next available position at the end of the array. The length property is automatically updated as new elements are added to the array. For this reason, length is commonly used to iterate through all elements of an array.

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What is the difference between HTML elements and tags?

HTML Tags: HTML tags are the beginning and ending parts of an HTML element. They are eliminated starting from a symbol. Inside the is also written that tag.


<html> </html>, <body> </body>, <br>, <hr> , <img>

HTML element: The content in the middle of an HTML tag is called an HTML element. They have some kind of structure or expression. It usually consists of a start tag, content, and an end tag.


<p> This is paragraph</p>

<h1>Hi this is the answer</h1>

<title>My website</title>

<br> Line break

<hr> Horizontal Line

<b>It is the example of Html element</b>

ElementWith tags
Paragraph<p>This is paragraph</p>
Heading<h1>This is heading</h1>
Title<title>My website</title>
Line break<br>
Horizontal Line<hr>


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>This is The DevOpsSchool</h1>
<p>DevOpsSchool is one of the largest DevOps Training provider for beginners.</p>



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