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How to add multiple image using Laravel Microservice

Step 1: take input image name as array and write multiple in blade file

Step 2:store data using ajax

Step 3: set routing

Route::prefix(‘/touroperator’)->group(function () use ($namespace) {

$controller = $namespace.'\TourDashboardController';
$tourcontroller = $namespace.'\TourDetailController';

Route::post(‘addimage/{email}’, “$tourcontroller@addsimage”);


Step 4: In client side controller create function to get access token

take a variable as array and pass inside for loop and all the data pass inside for loop till no of image selected

Step 5: set env and app config file


Step 6: Set routing in server side

Route::post(‘/addimagedetail’, ‘Admin\AdminTPController@storeimages’);

Step 7: apply bussiness query logic in server side controller

Finally our output looks like

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