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How to create an Attractive Item Check List using HTML & CSS?

In this blog, I am going to create an item checklist using HTML & CSS. So, first, create an “index.html” and “style.css” page so, below-showing index.html page-

In this index.html mostly used label, & input tag with a class which is defined below style.css page-

In this style.css page used class and multiple tags which is included in index.html. After that with help of style.css page create below Item check list-

In this Item Check List when you click on the check box then show the correct sign and text will be dark from the horizontal line.
Tagged : / / / / /

Check to see if a build is running or not

rajeshkumar created the topic: Check to see if a build is running or not
All I need to do is check to see if a build is running or not. To do that I used curl and grep, like this:

curl http://myjenkins/job/myjob/lastBuild/api/json | grep –color result\”:null

If a build is in progress, a grep for result\”:null will return 0.
If a build is finished, a grep for result\”:null will return 1.
Not especially elegant, but it works well enough for my needs.

For example, I have a Bash script that starts a build, then waits for it to finish:



# Start the build
curl $JOB_URL/build?delay=0sec

# Poll every thirty seconds until the build is finished
while [ $GREP_RETURN_CODE -eq 0 ]
sleep 30
# Grep will return 0 while the build is running:
curl --silent $JOB_STATUS_URL | grep result\":null > /dev/null

echo Build finished

Reference –…49988bb53ee820fe202a
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

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If a linux-build-server suddenly starts getting slow, what would you check?


If a linux-build-server suddenly starts getting slow, I would divide my approach / troubleshooting into 3 section as follows;

1. System Level troubleshooting

a. RAM related issues

b. Disk Space related Issues

c. Disk I/O read write issues

d. Network Hardware issues

e. Mount issues

f. Too Many process running in the machine

2. Application Level troubleshooting

a. Application is not behaving properly. Hit to Application log file OR application server log file OR web server Log file and try to understand the issues.

b. zombie process issues – Find out if any as such process which is causing the system performance issues.

c. Application Log – depends on the application installed, this can be referred and make use of the experience with the project and troubleshoot.

d. Web Server Log – we can check http, tomcat log as well.

e. Application Server Log – We can see jboss, weblogic logs to see if the application server response/receive time is the issues for slowness.

f. Memory Leak of any application – This is one of well known issues in lunux based server due to bad application coding. Many times this can be resolved either by fixing the code or rebooting. But many other solutions are there to apply.

3. Dependent Services troubleshooting

a. SMTP Response time – SMTP server is not responding faster which is causing delay in response and queue up many processes.

b. Network issues – There are many System performance issues is dependent on network or service which is depends on the network.

c. Firewall related issues

d. Antivirus related issues

 Some of the useful commands for troubleshooting are..

1. df –k

2. du –sh

3. top

4. uptime

5. ps –eaf | grep

6. vmstat

7. ping

8. tail –f <logfile>

9. iostat

11.kill -9



14.ifconfig eth0 | enable | disable


16.netstat -r



   There are various options available for each commands and depends on the need during the troubleshooting, right commands can be applied. To find arguments and their explanation, I usually refer rather than man page.

Tagged : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

How to Check File Attributes in Perl ? Perl File Attributes explained


Checking File Attributes in Perl

I have been using perl for quite some time now. I have also been using the file handling logic in my scripts. However, what I did not know till now is that you can quickly check for certain file properties in perl. Here is an example:
my (@description,$size);
if (-e $file)
push @description, ‘binary’ if (-B _);
push @description, ‘a socket’ if (-S _);
push @description, ‘a text file’ if (-T _);
push @description, ‘a block special file’ if (-b _);
push @description, ‘a character special file’ if (-c _);
push @description, ‘a directory’ if (-d _);
push @description, ‘executable’ if (-x _);
push @description, (($size = -s _)) ? “$size bytes” : ‘empty’;
print “$file is “, join(‘, ‘,@description),”\n”;
Nice, isn’t it?
Here is the complete list of features that you can check:

Operator Description
-A Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
-B Is it a binary file?
-C Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
-M Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
-O Is the file owned by the real user ID?
-R Is the file readable by the real user ID or real group?
-S Is the file a socket?
-T Is it a text file?
-W Is the file writable by the real user ID or real group?
-X Is the file executable by the real user ID or real group?
-b Is it a block special file?
-c Is it a character special file?
-d Is the file a directory?
-e Does the file exist?
-f Is it a plain file?
-g Does the file have the setgid bit set?
-k Does the file have the sticky bit set?
-l Is the file a symbolic link?
-o Is the file owned by the effective user ID?
-p Is the file a named pipe?
-r Is the file readable by the effective user or group ID?
-s Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
-t Is the filehandle opened by a TTY (terminal)?
-u Does the file have the setuid bit set?
-w Is the file writable by the effective user or group ID?
-x Is the file executable by the effective user or group ID?
-z Is the file size zero?
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