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Appliction Error once Installation is completed.

installanywhereExpert created the topic: Appliction Error once Installation is completed.
We have Installer created in Wise Script.
Once the installer is over then it gives application error i.e Setup.exe stopped working.
I checked the event viewer it say it is an application error and contens of log are following:

Faulting application Setup.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5755, fault address 0x00010a19.

It is only giving error when i am executing some SQL Scripts once database of application is attached.
I am using Wise Installation System 9.0 , Windows XP SP3 and SQL Express 2005.
Does any one can point me what could be the cause of the error?

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Appliction Error once Installation is completed.

installanywhereExpert created the topic: Appliction Error once Installation is completed.
We have Installer created in Wise Script.
Once the installer is over then it gives application error i.e Setup.exe stopped working.
I checked the event viewer it say it is an application error and contens of log are following:

Faulting application Setup.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5755, fault address 0x00010a19.

It is only giving error when i am executing some SQL Scripts once database of application is attached.
I am using Wise Installation System 9.0 , Windows XP SP3 and SQL Express 2005.
Does any one can point me what could be the cause of the error?

applicationPackaging replied the topic: Re: Appliction Error once Installation is completed.
Memory leak or stack fault

It looks like the execution of the SQL scripts is not completing “cleanly” and is leaving stuff in heap space or the stack which is then causing ntdll.dll in the windows operating system to throw an error.

My suggestion would be to test with a wisescript that only runs your SQL scripts and see if the same error occurs (ie remove any other installation content). If you still get the same error, then try and establish exactly which script is causing the issue.

In the SQL scripts, make sure you close any open handles and drop any variables you use – in other words, make sure you tidy up each SQL script before returning control to the wisescript.

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Passing installation parameter to exe

InstallerGeek created the topic: Passing installation parameter to exe

Here is the relevant lines from the wxs file:

How do I pass installtion parameters to preagent.exe?

For example “preagent.exe -d d:\tmp”

applicationPackaging replied the topic: Re: Passing installation parameter to exe
Preagent.exe is a file you are installing, using for configuration, or both?
You need to call it with those parameters as the installing user or elevated? It needs to be visible to the user when it runs or not? It should have those parameters every time it runs or just once? Can you do the same thing to the OS that it does with those parameters without running it?

InstallerGeek replied the topic: Re: Passing installation parameter to exe
1. Preagent.exe is an instalation file of Novell ZenWorks agent.
2. I need to call it with parameters as the installing user(the system account in this case).
3. It will run unatennded, enforced by a machine GPO.
4. It should have those parameters every time it runs.

“Can you do the same thing to the OS that it does with those parameters without running it?”
Sorry, I didn’t understand this question..

applicationPackaging replied the topic: Re: Passing installation parameter to exe
The second questions asks if you can set registry values/write file changes/whatever else that running the preagent.exe would have done for you to avoid using it.

Is preagent.exe needed by your installation after it is complete or only when installing, repairing, upgrading, and possibly removing the product?

InstallerGeek replied the topic: Re: Passing installation parameter to exe
1. Yes I can, but I don’t want to do it maually on every workstation.
2.Only for installing.

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Creator 2009 > Installation/Uninstallation/Update

InstallerExpert created the topic: Creator 2009 > Installation/Uninstallation/Update
I am a new user of Roxio products…

I am trying to install Roxio Creator 2009 on Windows XP. It displays and error “0012” at about 3/4 of the way through the install.
I have tried installing many times – all with the same result.

I have searched the KB and done the following per the instructions I found there:
– copied the CD/DVD to my hard drive (ALL files)
– run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility
– cleared the registry settings manually

I still get the same error.

I am amazed at the apparent complexity of this install (take a look at the other posts on this forum). I work for a software company and I am quite comfortable with using a PC – so please spare us both and pause to think before posting any unhelpful comments.

msiexpert replied the topic: Re: Creator 2009 > Installation/Uninstallation/Update
Ok lets try this :

1. Confirm your date and time are in sync.
2. Try creating a new user account with admin rights
3. Copy the contents of the installation DVD to hdd say desktop in a folder
4. Temp disable AV and anything else that might interfere.
5. Try running setup.exe using the file in the folder copied from installation disc.

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Windows Installer Rollback Installation

rajeshkumar created the topic: Windows Installer Rollback Installation
When the Windows® Installer processes the installation script for the installation of a product or application, it simultaneously generates a rollback script and saves a copy of every file deleted during the installation. These files are kept in a hidden system directory and are automatically deleted once the installation is successfully completed. If however the installation is unsuccessful, the installer automatically performs a rollback installation that returns the system to its original state.’

Automatic rollback of an unsuccessful installation is the default behavior of the installer. To disable rollback during an installation use one of the following:
• DisableRollback Action
• DisableRollback
• EnableRollback ControlEvent

Whenever rollback is disabled, the installer sets the RollbackDisabled property.
If an installation uses custom actions, additional authoring of the installation package is required to use rollback functionality.
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

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Installation Development Challenges

andrewmnn created the topic: Installation Development Challenges
“The creation of the installation for an application is normally left to the last minute just before the product has to ship. This is because setup is not considered part of the development process.” (Bob Baker, Windows Installer Developer’s Guide)

Do you feel the same? Do you encounter the same things? Personally, I do, but I am looking for more people who experience the same things, to learn and share ways to handle this…

I will also be sending updates via my twitter account at:

Feel free ask anything, so we can grow the community of installer developers or IT who want to make a difference.


pgadmin replied the topic: Re: Installation Development Challenges
Stop posting promotional Post.

andrewmnn replied the topic: Re: Installation Development Challenges
my apologies if it sounded like such, it is not for promotional purposes, I really am looking for information from setup developers (MSI in this case) on whether they feel the same, what they do about it, etc. I have the same issues and I think that with enough information, we can tackle this.

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Vagrant installation in Centos, Ubuntu and Windows | Vagrant Tutorials

Vagrant installation in ubuntu
1. Update your apt repository
> sudo apt-get update
2. Install VirtualBox.
> sudo apt-get install virtualbox
3. Install Vagrant.
> sudo apt-get install vagrant
Vagrant installation in Centos
1. Update your system
> yum -y update
> cd etc/yum.repos.d/
> yum update -y
> yum install binutils qt gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel
> dkms
> yum install virtualbox-5.0
2. Install Vagrant
> wget
> yum localinstall vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.rpm
Vagrant installation in Windows
In this tutorial, we will be installing Vagrant, a bare bones server with Ubuntu installed. Vagrant is a server that runs under VirtualBox. You will need to have VirtualBox installed. You will also need to have Putty installed in order to access your new Vagrant server via SSH. These instructions also apply to Windows 8.
A hard connection to the Internet
Putty needs to be installed. (putty-0.62-installer.exe)
VirtualBox needs to be installed.
Recommended: 8 GB RAM is recommended to run VirtualBox on Windows PCs
A. Installing Vagrant – bare bones server – Ubuntu only
1. Download and install the most recent VirtualBox for Windows from
Start up VirtualBox
2. Download and install the latest version of Vagrant from For this tutorial, we will use version 1.0.6. Windows users, download Vagrant.msi
Open Windows cmd prompt
For Windows 8, press Windows key and then press “R” key. This will open the RUN dialog box for you. Type “cmd” and press Enter.
Note: I typed vagrant command and I got the error message saying, ‘vagrant’ command not recognized. It was not added to the Path during install. Restarting your computer may help to refresh the path.
3. Change directory to C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin
4. Then type the following commands:
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant box add lucid32
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant init lucid32
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant up
5. Open Putty and enter these credentials:
Port: 2222
Connection type: SSH
6. Login to Vagrant server
Enter username: vagrant
Password: vagrant
Type ls –lah at the prompt.
This is a bare bones server with Ubuntu installed.
vagrant@lucid32:~$ls -lah
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Java Installation Process in Linux – Complete guide


Download, Install and Configure JDK 8 & JRE 8

Platfrom – Debian & Ubuntu

#JRE8 - Package contains just the Java Runtime Environment 8
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

#JKD8 - Package contains just the Java Developement Environment 8
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Platfrom – Fedora, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc

#JRE8 - Package contains just the Java Runtime Environment 8
$ su -c “yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk”

#JKD8 - Package contains just the Java Developement Environment 8
$ su -c "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel"

$ wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""

$ wget -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"

curl -v -j -k -L -H "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" > jdk-8u112-linux-x64.rpm

Platfrom – All platforms of Linux, Windows and Mac in Tar ball format

$ wget --no-check-certificate -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"

$ wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""

$ wget -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"

How to set JAVA in Linux System?

$ export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_144/
$ export PATH=/opt/jdk1.8.0_144/bin:$PATH;

Download, Install and Configure JDK 7 & JRE 7

Platfrom – Debian & Ubuntu

#JRE7 - Package contains just the Java Runtime Environment 7
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

#JKD7 - Package contains just the Java Developement Environment 7
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Platfrom – Fedora, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc

$ su -c “yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk”

$ su -c “yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel”

Platfrom – All platforms of Linux, Windows and Mac in Tar ball format

wget –no-cookies –header “Cookie:” “”

wget –no-check-certificate –no-cookies –header “Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie”

curl -v -j -k -L -H “Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie” > jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm

Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
On the command line, type:
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
The openjdk-6-jre package contains just the Java Runtime Environment.
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
If you want to develop Java programs then install the openjdk-6-jdk package.
Fedora, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc.
On the command line, type:
$ su -c “yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk”
The java-1.6.0-openjdk package contains just the Java Runtime Environment.
$ su -c “yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel”
If you want to develop Java programs then install the java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel package.



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Wise Installation Studio/Express Training & Courses, Online and Classroom by skilled trainers in India


scmGalaxy is a community initiatives based on Software configuration management that helps community members to optimize their software development process, Software Development Life Cycle optimization, Agile Methodologies and improve productivity across all aspects of Java development, including Build Scripts, Testing, Issue Tracking, Continuous Integration, Code Quality and more. scmGalaxy group that helps organisations optimize their software development process. We provide consulting, training and mentoring services in Agile Development Practices such as Version Management, Continuous Integration, Build Management, Test-Driven Development, Acceptance-Test Driven Development, Build Automation, Code Quality Practices and Automated Testing.

We provide job oriented training in the area of Configuration management, Build and Release Engineering. Candidates with engineering or software background and looking to either start or change their career to Build and Release Engineering, would benefit most from this training. Instructor-led training course offered in India, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Mumbai and Hydrabad. Instructor is an expert in Software configuration management, Build and release engineering with more than 15 years industry experience in india.The Goal of the course make the training attendants equip with all the concepts of build and release engineering.

Contact us at

Course Objectives
To bring your team up to speed with agile development, We can also run the from Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery with autoamted course within your premises.

Course Schedule
This course is an intensive 1-day & 2-day workshop with a mixture of teaching and lab exercises. Currently, this course is offered exclusively as an on-site course. Please contact us for more details.

This is a hands-on, practical course designed to teach specialised skills for real-world development situations. It is thus primarily aimed at a SCM Engineer, Build/Release Engineer and developer audience.

The course is modular and flexible – depending on specific student needs and requests. Through our trainings, you benefit from the wide experience and architectural expertise of our team. We bring that experience to you in an highly interactive, intensely hands-on setting.

We assume participants have a reasonable understanding of Development in any language as well as a basic understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle.

Lab Work
All our courses are above all practical in nature. We believe that the best way to learn is by doing. So the course contains approximately 80% lab work.

Learning Resources
Each registrant will receive a copy of the student notes and lab solutions, a certificate of completion, and a CD containing all the tools covered in the course and CD containing all the tools covered in the course.

Contact Us
This course is provided on-site, and can be tailored to your particular requirements. If you would like our training delivered at your premises, or for any additional information please contact us. Please email us at | +91 700 483 5930 | Skype – scmGalaxy

Course outline

The basic course program is outlined here:

Chapter 1: Installing Wise Installation Studio and Wise Installation Express

  • Introduction
  • System Requirements
  • Connecting to a Wise Software Repository
  • Installing an Upgrade
  • Installing Wise Installation Studio or Wise Installation Express
  • Installing the Windows Installer Editor Language Pack
  • Starting the Software
  • Converting an Evaluation Version to a Production Version
  • Registering Your Software

Chapter 2: Basic Tutorial: Creating a Windows Installer Installation

  • Create a New Installation Project
  • Open a Project and Set Options
  • Enter Product Details and General Information
  • Create and Organize Features
  • Assemble the Installation
  • Add Files to the Installation
  • Add Registry Keys
  • Add a Shortcut
  • Create a File Association
  • Customize the Installation’s Behavior on the Destination Computer
  • Set System Requirements
  • Select Dialogs That Appear to End Users
  • Configure Installation Types
  • Define Releases
  • Create Releases
  • Customize the Demo Release Properties
  • Compile and Test the Installation

Chapter 3: Advanced Tutorial: Using MSI Script in a Windows Installer Installation

  • Call a DLL With a Custom Action
  • Set a Directory With a Custom Action
  • Call an EXE With a Custom Action
  • Performing Advanced Tasks

Chapter 4: Tutorial: Creating a Windows Installer Installation in Visual Studio

  • Integrated Editor
  • Open the C# QuickFacts Solution and Create an Installation Project
  • Open the Installation Project and Set Options
  • Enter Product Details and General Information
  • Add Files to the Installation
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How to setup Gitlab in local machine ?


Download gitlab from

Installation, setup, configuration, backup Instructions is given in…

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