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Install and Configure Grafana in Ubuntu and Debian

Install and Configure Grafana in Ubuntu and Debian

Step 1 – Download & Install Grafana
Download Grafana RPM file RPM for Linux from

# Ubuntu & Debian
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i grafana_5.2.2_amd64.deb

Step 2 – Understand Grafana Installation details in Ubuntu/Debian

  1. Installs binary to /usr/sbin/grafana-server
  2. Installs Init.d script to /etc/init.d/grafana-server
  3. Creates default file (environment vars) to /etc/default/grafana-server
  4. Installs configuration file to /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
  5. Installs systemd service (if systemd is available) name grafana-server.service
  6. The default configuration sets the log file at /var/log/grafana/grafana.log
  7. The default configuration specifies an sqlite3 db at /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
  8. Installs HTML/JS/CSS and other Grafana files at /usr/share/grafana

Step 3 – Start the server (init.d service)

$ sudo service grafana-server start

This will start the grafana-server process as the grafana user, which was created during the package installation. The default HTTP port is 3000 and default user and group is admin.

Step 4 – Configure the Grafana server to start at boot time

$ sudo update-rc.d grafana-server defaults
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start grafana-server
$ systemctl status grafana-server
$ sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service

Step 5 – Grafana server Environment file
The systemd service file and init.d script both use the file located at /etc/default/grafana-server for environment variables used when starting the back-end. Here you can override log directory, data directory and other variables.

Step 6 – Grafana server Log
By default Grafana will log to /var/log/grafana

Step 7 – Grafana Database
The default configuration specifies a sqlite3 database located at /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db.

You can also use MySQL or Postgres as the Grafana database, as detailed on

Step 7 – Grafana configuration
The configuration file is located at /etc/grafana/grafana.ini. Go the Configuration page for details on all those options. You can add following data sources

  1. Graphite
  2. InfluxDB
  3. OpenTSDB
  4. Prometheus

Step 8 – Server side image rendering
Server side image (png) rendering is a feature that is optional but very useful when sharing visualizations, for example in alert notifications.

$ yum install fontconfig
$ yum install freetype*
$ yum install urw-fonts

Step 9 – How to access the Grafana dashboard
User name – admin
Password – admin

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Tasksel – Easily/Quickly Install Group Softwares in Debian and Ubuntu

Tasksel – Easily/Quickly Install Group Softwares in Debian and Ubuntu
If you started out using an RPM-based distro before advancements like “yum” or “apt-rpm”, you’re loving the magic of “apt-get” on Ubuntu and Debian. But when it comes to installing large sets of software, which may have either dozens (if not hundreds) of packages, or those that require a good deal of integration, sometimes “apt-get” can feel like the old rpm -i guessing game. Fortunately, there’s a “tasksel” – think of it as “apt-get for apt-get”.
How To Install and Use Tasksel in Debian and Ubuntu
To install tasksel, simply run the command below:
$ sudo apt-get install tasksel
After installing Tasksel, it enables you to install one or more predefined group of packages. User need to run it from the command line with a few arguments, it provides a graphical user interface as well where one can select software to install.
The general syntax of running tasksel from the command line is:
$ sudo tasksel install task_name
$ sudo tasksel remove task_name
$ sudo tasksel command_line_options
$ sudo tasksel –list-tasks
$ sudo tasksel install openssh-server
To start the tasksel user interface, issue the command below:
$ sudo tasksel
Tasksel vs. Apt-Get
You may ask yourself why you’d want to use tasksel versus the traditional apt-get command to install software, especially when there’s an equivalent meta-package. It’s easiest to think of it like this:
On one hand, apt-get installs software as individual packages, even if those packages require others. In other words, it will install each package and respect dependencies, but otherwise assume all of them are separate.
In contrast, tasksel assumes you’re trying to install software towards a singular end-goal, such as a web server. It will take all the steps necessary to achieve that goal, including installing software as well as doing other configuration once the install is done. Getting a web server running is a good example… you might need to install apache, mysql, php, and a number of modules and add-on’s for each in order to get a proper LAMP stack running. Or you could just issue the following command:
$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
Here are some other useful tasks available from tasksel:
Installed Ubuntu, but want to try out the latest KDE Software Collection? Just use this:
$ sudo tasksel install kubuntu-desktop
Have a computer you’d like to hook up to your home theater PC? It’s as easy as:
$ sudo tasksel install mythbuntu-frontend
Need a GUI for your server, but don’t want to waste precious resources on something like KDE or Unity?
$ sudo tasksel install lubuntu-core
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Vagrant installation in Centos, Ubuntu and Windows | Vagrant Tutorials

Vagrant installation in ubuntu
1. Update your apt repository
> sudo apt-get update
2. Install VirtualBox.
> sudo apt-get install virtualbox
3. Install Vagrant.
> sudo apt-get install vagrant
Vagrant installation in Centos
1. Update your system
> yum -y update
> cd etc/yum.repos.d/
> yum update -y
> yum install binutils qt gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel
> dkms
> yum install virtualbox-5.0
2. Install Vagrant
> wget
> yum localinstall vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.rpm
Vagrant installation in Windows
In this tutorial, we will be installing Vagrant, a bare bones server with Ubuntu installed. Vagrant is a server that runs under VirtualBox. You will need to have VirtualBox installed. You will also need to have Putty installed in order to access your new Vagrant server via SSH. These instructions also apply to Windows 8.
A hard connection to the Internet
Putty needs to be installed. (putty-0.62-installer.exe)
VirtualBox needs to be installed.
Recommended: 8 GB RAM is recommended to run VirtualBox on Windows PCs
A. Installing Vagrant – bare bones server – Ubuntu only
1. Download and install the most recent VirtualBox for Windows from
Start up VirtualBox
2. Download and install the latest version of Vagrant from For this tutorial, we will use version 1.0.6. Windows users, download Vagrant.msi
Open Windows cmd prompt
For Windows 8, press Windows key and then press “R” key. This will open the RUN dialog box for you. Type “cmd” and press Enter.
Note: I typed vagrant command and I got the error message saying, ‘vagrant’ command not recognized. It was not added to the Path during install. Restarting your computer may help to refresh the path.
3. Change directory to C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin
4. Then type the following commands:
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant box add lucid32
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant init lucid32
C:\vagrant\vagrant\bin> vagrant up
5. Open Putty and enter these credentials:
Port: 2222
Connection type: SSH
6. Login to Vagrant server
Enter username: vagrant
Password: vagrant
Type ls –lah at the prompt.
This is a bare bones server with Ubuntu installed.
vagrant@lucid32:~$ls -lah
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HOWTO: Install e17 from SVN/source on Ubuntu


E17 is a lightweight window manager/bundle of libraries for Unix based operating systems. E17 is designed to be both elegant and fast – two goals it succeeds at very well. The only problem is that installing E17 on Ubuntu (and it’s derivatives) is not a very straight forward process if you have never done it before, the following are the steps I have taken to get the E17 environment up and running on Ubuntu 9.10 (however it should work for all Ubuntu based systems).

Step 1: Install the build dependencies, to do this simply paste the following chunk of code into your favorite terminal and let it work it’s magik

sudo apt-get install xterm make gcc bison flex subversion cvs automake1.10 autoconf autotools-dev autoconf-archive libtool gettext libpam0g-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev libungif4-dev librsvg2-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libxfixes-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libxss-dev libxp-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libxfont-dev libxi-dev libxv-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbui-dev libxres-dev libxtst-dev libltdl7-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libglut3-dev xserver-xephyr libdbus-1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev

Step 2: Now that we have all the dependencies installed, we are going to use the easy e17 script to download, compile, and install e17 from SVN. To do so click on the link I just provided to download the script. Then assuming you downloaded the file to the default Downloads folder run the following in terminal to get the install going

cd ~/Downloads && chmod +x && sudo ./ -i

Go get a cup of coffee or something, the length of time the above command takes to complete depends on your Internet connection and computer speed.

Step 3: Now assuming the commands you ran in step 2 finishes without issues/errors check the output in terminal, it should mention some “environmental variables” that need to be set. Copy and paste each of the export lines it lists to you and run them in terminal.

Step 4: We need to copy the elightenment .desktop file to the proper location in your shared folder so it appears as a log in option in gdm/kdm. To do so run the following in terminal

sudo cp /opt/e17/share/xsessions/elightenment.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop

Log out of your current desktop and select “Enlightenment” from the log in options you are presented with in your login manager.

Enjoy your new E17 powered desktop! Also please remember E17 is considered beta software – so it is not encouraged to use it on production machines. Lastly I would like to also say that while the default configuration of e17 appears crude at first, this is intentional. E17 is extremely customizable. Play with settings, move things around, add and remove objects and you will see creating a beautiful and customized desktop is just a few clicks away!


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