SSARC Utility & SSRESTOR Utility – Archive, Restore VSS Project – Guide



How to Archive VSS Project in Visual Source Safe (VSS)?

How to Restore VSS Project in  Visual Source Safe (VSS)?

What is SSARC Utility?

What is SSRESTOR Utility?

SSARC Utility

Allows you to archive files, projects, or old versions from a Visual SourceSafe database. Each time you run SSARC (Ssarc.exe), the utility asks only once before it deletes the files/projects. Visual SourceSafe also implements archive operations through its Archive wizard, available in Visual SourceSafe Administrator.

The utility SSRESTOR is used for restoration of archived files. Use of SSARC and SSRESTOR together allows wide-area Visual SourceSafe installations to move files and projects among databases.

Limitation: SSARC cannot create an archive file that is greater than 2 GB. If you try to archive a project larger than this, you will receive an Out of Memory and/or a CRC mismatch error message. To work around this limitation, you will need to archive each subproject.



ssarc [-C][-D][-I-][-O][-S][-V][-X][-Y] <archive file to create> <files/projects to archive>

If you are not familiar with the syntax conventions used, < and > are used to delimit arguments. The < and > characters are not typed in. The | means a choice of options. Items enclosed in square brackets, [] are optional, and items not enclosed in square brackets are mandatory.


Utility Options

The following table describes options available with SSARC.


Specifies a comment (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter). The comment is inserted into the Visual SourceSafe history if the items are deleted from the database as part of the archived record. The comment is also inserted into the archive file itself, if there is one.


Specifies no comment.


Deletes the archived items from the database.

Specifiying the -d option will delete from your project the items that you are archiving. This will delete your project from Sourcesafe if you use it! Of course, you can restore from your backup file, but for normal use, and for smaller projects I don’t recommend this. This function obviously has its uses, but be sure you want to do this.


Controls whether Visual SourceSafe actually deletes anything from the database. If this option is not used, the default is to ask.

If the -d- option is used, then SSARC will not delete the projects the items you are archiving. The default is to prompt the user interactively, so if you want to run this from a script, you will need to choose one of the options, or use the -i- flag


Specifies no prompt for input (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter).


Paginates or redirects output (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter).

-S<srcsafe.ini path>, <data path>

Specifies a path to Srcsafe.ini and the Data directory. The full syntax looks like -Sc: \VSS, OldDB. The item before the comma is the full path to Srcsafe.ini, and the item after the comma is the string in parentheses in a Data_Path setting. If there is no comma, a Srcsafe.ini path is indicated, but no data string. If the first character after the –S is a comma, a data string is specified, but no Srcsafe.ini path.



Specifies a version number to archive (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter). Enter the version number in standard Visual SourceSafe format (number, date, or label). If this option is not used, SSARC operates on entire files or projects, instead of all versions up to and including a certain version.

Note that SSARC is generally inclusive. That is, if you type –V9, you create an archive file that contains version 9.0 and everything before it. The delete pass is also inclusive, that is, version 9.0 is actually deleted unless it is in the label format. In the latter case, the label is stored in the archive file but is not deleted. If –V is specified, you never delete the current version, even if you specify -D9/9/99. If you are using a version the label format, and the label has a space in it, you must place the entire option in quotation marks, for example, “-VThisOne”.


Archives only deleted items in the specified files and projects. Deleted items are still stored in the Visual SourceSafe database unless the Destroy Permanently option is selected when performing a Delete command.


Archives all items in the specified files and projects.


Specifies the user name and password (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter). An example is -YAdmin,Bunny.

archive file to create

Specifies the name of the archive file to create during the archive operation.

files/projects to archive

Specifies files and projects to back up.


SSARC -d- -yadmin,password archive.ssa $/
Backup the entire default Sourcesafe database to archive.ssa, leaving the database exactly as it is.
SSARC -d- "-vlProduction Release" -yadmin,password -olog.txt archive.ssa $/Test
Backup everything since the version labelled ‘Production Release’ and create a log file with the results of the archiving process.
SSARC -d -x -yadmin,password archive.ssa "$/Project Global Domination" $/OtherProject
Archive, and delete the deleted files from two projects.
SSARC -i -yadmin,password -olog.txt "-cArchive Everything" archive.ssa $/
Archive the entire Sourcesafe database, while creating a log file, adding a comment, and running non-interactively, suitable for a scheduled task.


Restores information from a previously created archive. If the restore operation attempts to create a duplicate file or project name, the operation fails. Visual SourcSafe also implements restore operations through its Restore wizard, available in Visual SourceSafe Administrator.

Limitation: SSRESTOR cannot restore a project that is larger than 2 GB. A project larger than this cannot be archived.



ssrestor [-C][-I-][-L][-O][-P<project>][-S][-T][-X][-Y]

<archive file to restore> [files/projects]


Utility Options

The following table describes options available with this command.


Specifies a comment (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter). The comment is applied to the history entry for restored item(s).


Specifies no comment.


Specifies no input (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter).


Specifies a list only, without any restoration.


Specifies a list of all files and subprojects listed under a project, for example, project $/A.


Redirects output (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter).


Specifies a project to which to restore content. For instance, if you archive $/A/BAR.C and then restore it, it will be restored as $/A/BAR.C.

-S<srcsafe.ini path><data path>

Specifies a path to Srcsafe.ini and the Data directory.


Tests the archive file for corruption, but does not actually restore from the archive.

-X, -X-

Identifies an item that you want to restore, for example, $/a/b. This option distinguishes between deleted projects and undeleted projects that have the same names. For example, if you have deleted $a/b and specify the -X option, SSRESTOR restores the deleted $/a/b. If you specify -X-, SSRESTOR restores an undeleted $/a/b. Even though they have the same name, note that these are two different projects that the utility treats differently.


Specifies user name and password (standard Visual SourceSafe parameter). An example is -YAdmin,Moggy.

archive file to restore

Specifies the name of the archive file from which to restore the database.


Specifies files and projects to restore.


SSRESTOR -la -yadmin,password archive.ssa $/
Display a list of all of the files archived in archive.ssa.
SSRESTOR "-p$/Test 2" -sD:\newfolder\ -yadmin,password backup.ssa $/Test
Restores project $/Test to the database to a new location, $/Test 2, from the archive file backup.ssa, in a different Sourcesafe database.

Miscellaneous tips

  • Putting the path to the <VSS PATH>\win32 folder in your PATH environment variable makes shell commands a lot easier
  • If you get a message “Only ADMIN can run this utility”, it means that you are either not specifying the admin account, or the password is incorrect. Use "-yadmin,password" if the admin password is “password”, or "-yadmin," if the admin password is not set (not recommended!).
  • If you are using an option that has a space in the argument, enclose the whole thing with quote marks, i.e. “-p$/Project A”
  • A daily archive is easy to do with a Windows shell script, maybe something like this. Then use Scheduled Tasks to have this run every day.
    function q (str)
    	' to make the command a bit more readable, I hope
    	q = """" & str & """"
    end function

    PROJECT = “$/”
    USERID = “admin”
    PASSWORD = “admin”

    ‘ location of SSARC program
    SSARCPATH = “C:\program files\microsoft visual studio\common\vss\win32\ssarc.exe”
    ‘ folder of srcsafe.ini
    ‘ prepended to filename in case you’re doing more than one.
    ‘ destination of archive files

    ‘ generate a name based on the time.
    today = now()
    backupfilename = LABEL & “-” & formatdatetime(now,2) & “.ssa”

    cmd = q(SSARCPATH) & ” ” & _
    q(“-s” & SRCSAFEINIPATH & “,”) & ” -i- ” & ” -d- ” & _
    q(“-y” & USERID & “,” & PASSWORD) & ” ” & _
    q(BACKUPFOLDER & backupfilename) & ” ” & q(PROJECT)

    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
    wscript.echo cmd cmd
    set wsshell = nothing

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How To Create a Unique SRCSAFE.INI File ?

1. Create a new SRCSAFE.INI file and place it in the desired location.
2. If you want include the default SRCSAFE.INI in the unique copy, add the following line:


3. Create the following environment variable:

SET SSDIR=<path to VSS directory>

(such as SET SSDIR = \\MyServer\MyVSSdir)

While it is possible to do this with Visual SourceSafe 5.0, in is not necessary. Simply open the database using file->open.

Tagged : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Understand Ant command line arguments with Examples


Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters, nested arg elements can be used.

value – a single command-line argument; can contain space characters.

file – The name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file.

path – A string that will be treated as a path-like string as a single command-line argument; you can use ; or : as path separators and Ant will convert it to the platform’s local conventions.

pathref – Reference to a path defined elsewhere. Ant will convert it to the platform’s local conventions.

line – a space-delimited list of command-line arguments.

It is highly recommended to avoid the line version when possible. Ant will try to split the command line in a way similar to what a (Unix) shell would do, but may create something that is very different from what you expect under some circumstances.


<arg value=”-l -a”/>

is a single command-line argument containing a space character.

<arg line=”-l -a”/>

represents two separate command-line arguments.

<arg path=”/dir;/dir2:\dir3″/>

is a single command-line argument with the value \dir;\dir2;\dir3 on DOS-based systems and /dir:/dir2:/dir3 on Unix-like systems.

Command-line Options Summary
ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] …]]

-help, -h Displays help information describing the Ant command and its options
-projecthelp, -p Print project help information
-version Print the version information and exit
-diagnostics Print information that might be helpful to diagnose or report problems.
-quiet, -q Suppresses most messages not originated by an echo task in the buildfile
-verbose, -v Displays detailed messages for every operation during a build.
-debug, -d Print debugging information
-emacs, -e Produce logging information without adornments
-lib <path> Specifies a path to search for jars and classes
-logfile <file> Use given file for log
-l <file> Use given file for log
-logger <classname> Specifies a class to handle Ant logging.
-listener <classname> Add an instance of class as a project listener
-noinput Do not allow interactive input
-buildfile <file> Use given buildfile
-file <file> Use given buildfile
-f <file> Use given buildfile
-D<property>=<value> Defines a property name-value pair on the command line.
-keep-going, -k execute all targets that do not depend on failed target(s)
-propertyfile <name> load all properties from file with -D properties taking precedence
-inputhandler <class> the class which will handle input requests
-find <file> Search for buildfile towards the root of the filesystem and use it
Tagged : / / / / / / / / / / / / /

How to use ant Script to Reset BuildNumber?

To use this code, you need to have the file build.number containging:




Then the following 3 targets:

  <taskdef resource=”net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml”/>
<taskdef name=”unset” classname=”ise.antelope.tasks.Unset”/>

    <target name=”initBuildNum” description=”Get current build number properties”>
<property file=”build.number”/>
<var name=”next.major” value=”${major.number}”/>
<var name=”next.minor” value=”${minor.number}”/>
<var name=”next.hotfix” value=”${hotfix.number}”/>
<var name=”next.revision” value=”${revision.number}”/>
<var name=”next.continuous” value=”${continuous.number}”/>

    <target name=”getBuildNum”>
<switch value=”${increment}”>
<case value=”rebuild”/>
<case value=”major”>
<!–Increment major, minor to 1, hotfix to 0, revision to 1–>
<math result=”next.major” operand1=”${next.major}” operation=”+” operand2=”1″ datatype=”int”/>
<var name=”next.minor” value=”1″ />
<var name=”next.hotfix” value=”0″ />
<var name=”next.revision” value=”1″ />
<case value=”minor”>
<!–Major stays the same, minor increments, hotfix goes to 0, revision to 1–>
<math result=”next.minor” operand1=”${next.minor}” operation=”+” operand2=”1″ datatype=”int”/>
<var name=”next.hotfix” value=”0″ />
<var name=”next.revision” value=”1″ />
<case value=”hotfix”>
<!–Major stays the same, minor stays the same, hotfix increments, revision goes to 1–>
<math result=”next.hotfix” operand1=”${next.hotfix}” operation=”+” operand2=”1″ datatype=”int”/>
<var name=”next.revision” value=”1″ />
<case value=”continuous”>
<!–For continuous integration don’t change anything but 5th build digit–>
<math result=”next.continuous” operand1=”${next.continuous}” operation=”+” operand2=”1″ datatype=”int”/>
<case value=”contReset”>
<!–Continuous build, but they want the 5th digit reset (i.e. new week)–>
<var name=”next.continuous” value=”1″/>
<!–Update revision number only, they didn’t ask for anything special–>
<math result=”next.revision” operand1=”${next.revision}” operation=”+” operand2=”1″ datatype=”int”/>

    <target name=”setBuildNumber” depends=”initBuildNum,getBuildNum”>
<!–First save the build number properties–>
<propertyfile file=”build.number”>
<entry key=”major.number” value=”${next.major}”/>
<entry key=”minor.number” value=”${next.minor}”/>
<entry key=”hotfix.number” value=”${next.hotfix}”/>
<entry key=”revision.number” value=”${next.revision}”/>
<entry key=”continuous.number” value=”${next.continuous}”/>
<!–Unset the properties so that we can change their values–>
<unset name=”major.number”/>
<unset name=”minor.number”/>
<unset name=”hotfix.number”/>
<unset name=”revision.number”/>
<unset name=”continuous.number”/>
<property file=”build.number”/>
<!–set the full.buildnumber property to be used by the build–>
<equals arg1=”${increment}” arg2=”continuous”/>
<equals arg1=”${increment}” arg2=”contReset”/>
<property name=”full.buildnumber” value=”${major.number}.${minor.number}.${hotfix.number}.${revision.number}.${continuous.number}”/>
<property name=”full.buildnumber” value=”${major.number}.${minor.number}.${hotfix.number}.${revision.number}”/>

Add these three targets to your ant script.  Put a “depends” to “setBuildNumber” at invocation of your ant script.  Depending on what you want to do, you’ll set different vars on the way in as follows:

To build and increment revision number only:
To move to the next major build number:
>Ant -Dincrement=major
To move to the next minor build number:
>Ant -Dincrement=minor
To move to the next hotfix build number:
>Ant -Dincrement=hotfix

  To do a continuous integration build incrementing 5th digit:
>Ant -Dincrement=continuous
To do a continuous integration build resetting 5th digit to 1:
>Ant -Dincrement=contReset

Note that if you don’t set the value of increment, the build number will only have 4 digits.  The var that holds the build number after this is called is ${full.buildnumber}.

Tagged : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Command line switches of devenv.exe | Devenv command line switches Guide


To see this list, type devenv /? on command prompt

    • /build – build the specified solution configuration


    • /project – specifies the project to build instead of solution, must specify /build to use /project


    • /projectconfig – specifies project configuration to build, must specify /project to use /projectconfig


    • /out – write build output to specified file


    • /rebuild – like /build, but forces a clean first


    • /clean – clean up build outputs


    • /deploy – build the specified solution configuration and then deploy it


    • /run – run the specified solution configuration


    • /runexit – run the specified solution configuration and then terminate


    • /command – executes the specified internal command line after startup


    • /mditabs – use tabbed documents interface


    • /mdi – use MDI interface


    • /fn – use specified font name


    • /fs – use specified font size


    • /LCID – use specified language ID


    • /noVSIP – disables VSIP developers license key for VSIP testing


    • /safemode – only default environment and services load for stability


  • /resetskippkgs – allow VSPackages once flagged for loading failures to load again
Tagged : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Ant command line arguments – Examples – Summary


Ant command line arguments
Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters, nested arg elements can be used.

value – a single command-line argument; can contain space characters.
fileThe name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file.
pathA string that will be treated as a path-like string as a single command-line argument; you can use ; or : as path separators and Ant will convert it to the platform’s local conventions.
pathref Reference to a path defined elsewhere. Ant will convert it to the platform’s local conventions.
line a space-delimited list of command-line arguments.

It is highly recommended to avoid the line version when possible. Ant will try to split the command line in a way similar to what a (Unix) shell would do, but may create something that is very different from what you expect under some circumstances.

<arg value=”-l -a”/>
is a single command-line argument containing a space character.
<arg line=”-l -a”/>
represents two separate command-line arguments.
<arg path=”/dir;/dir2:\dir3″/>
is a single command-line argument with the value \dir;\dir2;\dir3 on DOS-based systems and /dir:/dir2:/dir3 on Unix-like systems.
Command-line Options Summary
ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] …]]


-help, -h Displays help information describing the Ant command and its options
-projecthelp, -p Print project help information
-version Print the version information and exit
-diagnostics Print information that might be helpful to diagnose or report problems.
-quiet, -q Suppresses most messages not originated by an echo task in the buildfile
-verbose, -v Displays detailed messages for every operation during a build.
-debug, -d Print debugging information
-emacs, -e Produce logging information without adornments
-lib <path> Specifies a path to search for jars and classes
-logfile <file> Use given file for log
-l <file> Use given file for log
-logger <classname> Specifies a class to handle Ant logging.
-listener <classname> Add an instance of class as a project listener
-noinput Do not allow interactive input
-buildfile <file> Use given buildfile
-file <file> Use given buildfile
-f <file> Use given buildfile
-D<property>=<value> Defines a property name-value pair on the command line.
-keep-going, -k execute all targets that do not depend on failed target(s)
-propertyfile <name> load all properties from file with -D properties taking precedence
-inputhandler <class> the class which will handle input requests
-find <file> Search for buildfile towards the root of the filesystem and use it
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