Apache web server Installation Guide, know how to Install Apache web server on Windows 7?


After a quick detour to install Notepad++, I’m on my way to installing Magento. Before I can get into the meat of it, though, I do require a few prerequisites.

From the installation instructions, installing Magento requires:

  • Apache 1.3.x or Apache 2
  • PHP 5.2.0 and above with Safe mode off
  • MySQL 4.1.20 and above

After a brief search, I happened upon a very handy site (Yes, my current dev machine runs Windows 7). No sense reinventing the wheel, so these instructions should do nicely.

I’ve chosen the latest stable release, 2.2.17, MD5-verified and ready to install.

Always one to put the right foot forward… The first thing I’ve done is to immediately download the wrong version (src) instead of the neatly prepped installer (msi) as per the instructions. Round 1 goes to my eagerness, but after a neat revisit to the Apache download page, I’m off in the right direction.

After kicking off the Apache installer, my first instinct was to twitch at the frozen installer progress (Did the instructions forget about that ghastly Windows 7 User Account Control?), but after only a brief pause, the UAC prompt has displayed and the Apache web server installation is back on track.

None the worse for wear, time for the next step.


I’ve pretty much kaboshed most of the PHP installation instructions, mostly due to its avoidance of the handy PHP for Windows installer. Pointing the installer to the Apache web server’s cgi-bin folder seems like a good idea.

A configuration change…

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; http://php.net/extension-dir
; extension_dir = “./”
; On windows:
extension_dir = “ext” ; Uncommented (removed the semicolon at the beginning of) this line

… and I’m back to the instructions. After an update to my environment variables, looks like it’s time for a reboot… and sleep.

I’ll be leaving the MySQL install (and testing Apache web server and PHP) ’til tomorrow.

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How to install subversion on Linux?


To install svn in linux and make it fully working , I found it really tough and it has taken my lots of time. I am thankful to Sanjay, who helped me in this and without him it won’t be possible.While installing this you will miss a small thing and you got stuck.But this is not at all tough like open source it’s really very easy.

Why I have choosed this topic to write is that, those who are using it first time will need some time to get full of subversion.

Now the latest version of svn is 1.6.9.

To install svn first you need svn tar file. Which can be downloaded easily from here or you can run these commands (depending on your required version).

wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-1.6.9.tar.gz

wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion_deps-1.6.9.tar.gz (It contains the library required by svn)

This you can download any where, Here I am creating a folder svn inside /usr/local directory.(/usr/local/softwares/svn/).(So it will be easy for me to specify paths and you to understand).

To start the installation process first untar this two file.

tar -xvzf subversion-1.6.9.tar.gz

tar -xvzf subversion_deps-1.6.9.tar.gz (After untar you won’t find any particular folder named subversion_deps-1.6.9. Don’t worry for that it is keeping all the libraries files inside subversion-1.6.9)

Now have to configure it, but before that we have to check whether our system is having all the dependies or not, like APR(Apache Portable Runtime) and APR utility.

If it’s not there then we can get it from here,



once downloaded you can start configuring it.

tar -xvzf apr-1.2.12.tar.gz

cd apr-1.2.12




The apr util directory requires apr directory, so we need to specify path for that.

tar -xvzf apr-util-1.2.12.tar.gz

cd apr-util-1.2.12

./buildconf –with-apr=/path to apr directory (/usr/local/sofwares/svn/apr-1.2.12)

./configure –with-apr=/path to apr directory (/usr/local/sofwares/svn/apr-1.2.12)


The other directories we have to check before installation are,

autoconf 2.50 or newer (autoconf –version)

libtool 1.4 or newer (this you can find inside subversion-1.6.9 folder)

Neon Library 0.25.x or 0.26.x (inside subversion-1.6.9 folder)

Berkely DataBase (If it’s not there you have to install it.)

Download the file, db-4.6.21.tar.gz .

Apache web server greater then 2.0.49 (httpd -version)

zlib (inside subversion-1.6.9 folder)

After checking all this, we can start installation process,

cd subversion-1.6.9


./configure –with-berkelay-db=/usr/local/softwares/svn/db-4.6.21 (path of berkelay data base)


make install

Once we have finished that we need to map svn with apache.

Before that we have to check whether mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn modules are present or not,if not then install it.

yum install mod_dav_svn

and add this in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file

LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so

LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so

Make sure you will add these lines after LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so.

Now create one repository with svnadmin command.Run this command inside your subversion folder.

svnadmin create repos

after that you can check with,

ls repos

conf dav db format hooks locks README.txt

This full path you have to specify in SVNPath.

Then at the end of the httpd.conf file you have to add

#for svn path

DAV svn

SVNPath /usr/local/softwares/svn/subversion-1.6.9/repos

now restart ur apache.

For security purpose to give authentication to the user we have to create authentication file with the command,

htpasswd -cm /etc/svn-auth-file user_name (test)

New password : test123

Re-Type passwd : test123

And to specify which access you want to give the user, create svn-access-file inside /etc.

Inside this file add code as,


* = rw

This will give authentication to every user specified in Require user inside location.

You can specify this inside httpd.conf file as,

DAV svn

SVNPath /usr/local/softwares/svn/subversion-1.6.9/repos

AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/svn-access-file

AuthType Basic

AuthName “Subversion repository”

AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file

Require user user_name


Now you are ready to import files in the repository, with the following command.

svn import -m “Initial import.” path(from where you want to import file) file:///usr/local/softwares/svn/subversion-1.6.9/repos/(repository path)

after running this command don’t worry it is not goin to display any thing inside repos folder. To check that you can run it in the browser.

http://localhost(you have to give your domain name)/svn/repos

Now you are ready to checkout the files with any svn client. For linux user smartsvn is best.

After doin this you can start ur smartsvn client and can follow these steps,

check out project from repository -> manage -> add -> enter svn url

enter ur url here http://localhost/svn/repos

enter ->ok

server name and repository path it will take automatically. click next, choose user radio button and give user name and password.

follow the steps to fetch the files.


To install smartsvn, first get the smartsvn tar file.

untar the file, with the command

tar -xvzf smartsvn-version.gz

for smartsvn first check the correct version of java is available or not, with

java -version command.If it is coming like this then you can proceed.

java version “1.5.0_14?

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_14-b03)

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_14-b03, mixed mode)

Sometimes java will be installed but not the JRE. In that case simply re-install java.

Can install the latest version of java with rpm bin file.



go through the license and say yes.

It will installed in /usr/java/

Now have to make chnages in .bash_profile file.

cd /root

vi .bash_profile

give JAVA_HOME path.

JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14

Then compile it with the command,

source .bash_profile

then again check with java version.

Now you are ready to utilise the full feature of subversion

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HOWTO: Install e17 from SVN/source on Ubuntu


E17 is a lightweight window manager/bundle of libraries for Unix based operating systems. E17 is designed to be both elegant and fast – two goals it succeeds at very well. The only problem is that installing E17 on Ubuntu (and it’s derivatives) is not a very straight forward process if you have never done it before, the following are the steps I have taken to get the E17 environment up and running on Ubuntu 9.10 (however it should work for all Ubuntu based systems).

Step 1: Install the build dependencies, to do this simply paste the following chunk of code into your favorite terminal and let it work it’s magik

sudo apt-get install xterm make gcc bison flex subversion cvs automake1.10 autoconf autotools-dev autoconf-archive libtool gettext libpam0g-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev libungif4-dev librsvg2-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libxfixes-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libxss-dev libxp-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libxfont-dev libxi-dev libxv-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbui-dev libxres-dev libxtst-dev libltdl7-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libglut3-dev xserver-xephyr libdbus-1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev

Step 2: Now that we have all the dependencies installed, we are going to use the easy e17 script to download, compile, and install e17 from SVN. To do so click on the link I just provided to download the script. Then assuming you downloaded the file to the default Downloads folder run the following in terminal to get the install going

cd ~/Downloads && chmod +x easy_e17.sh && sudo ./easy_e17.sh -i

Go get a cup of coffee or something, the length of time the above command takes to complete depends on your Internet connection and computer speed.

Step 3: Now assuming the commands you ran in step 2 finishes without issues/errors check the output in terminal, it should mention some “environmental variables” that need to be set. Copy and paste each of the export lines it lists to you and run them in terminal.

Step 4: We need to copy the elightenment .desktop file to the proper location in your shared folder so it appears as a log in option in gdm/kdm. To do so run the following in terminal

sudo cp /opt/e17/share/xsessions/elightenment.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop

Log out of your current desktop and select “Enlightenment” from the log in options you are presented with in your login manager.

Enjoy your new E17 powered desktop! Also please remember E17 is considered beta software – so it is not encouraged to use it on production machines. Lastly I would like to also say that while the default configuration of e17 appears crude at first, this is intentional. E17 is extremely customizable. Play with settings, move things around, add and remove objects and you will see creating a beautiful and customized desktop is just a few clicks away!



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Installation and Configuration Guide: Bamboo


Bamboo is available in two ‘distributions’ — Standalone or EAR-WAR. The Standalone distribution is recommended (even for organisations with an existing application server environment).
Standalone Installation Guide — Windows

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (Windows Installer)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the Windows Installer (.exe) download.
·  Launch the Bamboo Windows installer (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.exe) to begin the installation wizard.
·  The installer requires you to specify two directories:
Bamboo installation directory — This is the directory where Bamboo’s application files will be installed. The default is:
C:/Program Files/Bamboo
Bamboo home directory — This is the directory where Bamboo will store its configuration data. If the directory you specify doesn’t exist, Bamboo will create the directory when it launches. The default is:
C:/Documents and Settings//Bamboo-home
Note: You must use forward-slashes in your directory path. Backslashes are not recognised by Bamboo. Please ensure that the Bamboo home directory is not located inside the Bamboo installation directory

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (ZIP Archive)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the ZIP Archive (.zip) download (click the ‘Show all‘ link to show the ‘ZIP Archive‘ download link).
·  Extract the files from the ZIP Archive (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.zip) to a Bamboo installation directory of your choice. By default, the root directory in your zip file is named “Bamboo”.
·  Set up your Bamboo home directory — this is the directory where Bamboo will store its root configuration data. To do this, edit the file named bamboo-init.properties in the Bamboo/webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory. In this file, insert the property “bamboo.home”, with an absolute path to your Bamboo home directory. Your file should look something like this:


Alternatively, you can specify an environment variable ‘BAMBOO_HOME’ which specifies the absolute path to your {BAMBOO_HOME} directory. Bamboo will check if an environment variable is defined.
·  If you are going to use Bamboo remote agents, set the following in the bamboo-init.properties file in the /webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory:

  • Replace ‘localhost’ with the real host name or IP address of your Bamboo server.
  • If port number 54663 is already in use, specify a different port number.

Launch Bamboo

Launch via the Start Menu
If you have used the ‘Windows Installer’ to install Bamboo, you can start Bamboo via the Start Menu in Windows (generally under the ‘Bamboo’ folder by default). The following options will be available in your Start Menu:

  • Bamboo Continuous Integration Server Uninstaller‘ — uninstalls Bamboo from your computer
  • Install Service‘ — installs Bamboo as a Windows service (note, this will not start Bamboo)
  • Remove Service‘ — removes the Bamboo Windows service, if you have previously installed it (note, Bamboo will not be uninstalled from your computer)
  • Start in Console‘ — starts Bamboo in a Windows console
  • Start Service‘ — starts your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • Stop Service‘ — stops your installed Bamboo Windows service

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, click the ‘Start in Console‘ option.
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, click the ‘Install service‘ option. After the service is installed, click ‘Start Service‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Launch via batch file
You can start Bamboo via the batch files that are shipped with Bamboo. If you have installed Bamboo via the ZIP Archive, you will need to use the batch files to start Bamboo. You can find the following batch files in your installation directory:

  • BambooConsole.bat‘ — this starts Bamboo in a Windows console.
  • InstallAsService.bat‘ — this installs Bamboo as a Windows service. Note that this will not start Bamboo.
  • StartBamboo.bat‘ — this starts your installed Bamboo Windows service.
  • StopBamboo.bat‘ — this stops your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • UninstallService.bat‘ — this un-installs the Bamboo Windows service from your machine. Note that your Bamboo installation still remains.

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, run ‘BambooConsole.bat
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, run ‘InstallAsService.bat‘. After the service is installed, run ‘StartBamboo.bat‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Configure Bamboo

  1. Access your running Bamboo instance by going to your web browser and entering the address: http://localhost:8085/.
  2. Configure Bamboo via the Setup Wizard which will display. Read Running the Setup Wizard for further instructions.

For more details on Installation and Configuration, please review following links

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Ant : Ant-Contrib – Introduction and Installation Process/Guide


What is Ant-Contrib Tasks?

The Ant-Contrib project provides a collection of tasks and types that extend Ant to work as a scripting language as well as a build tool.

Many developers want more from Ant than the ability to define dependencies. Ant-Contrib adds extra functionality to let Ant act more like a programming lanuage. Most tasks require Ant 1.5 or higher to work properly.

“Ant-Contrib Tasks” is an “independent third party” library of useful additional procedural and utility ApacheAnt Tasks.



First you must install Apache Ant itself, most of the Ant-Contrib tasks require Ant 1.5 or higher to work properly. You can download Ant from Apache.

Download Link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=36177

“Ant-Contrib Tasks” is also TWO independent ant task libraries:


See the cc tasks for installation instructions for cpptasks. To install ant-contrib:

  1. Copy ant-contrib-0.3.jar to the lib directory of your Ant installation. If you want to use one of the tasks in your own project, add the lines
2.  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"/>

to your build file.

  1. Keep ant-contrib-0.3.jar in a separate location. You now have to tell Ant explicitly where to find it (say in /usr/share/java/lib):
4.  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties">
5.    <classpath>
6.      <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/lib/ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/>
7.    </classpath>
8.  </taskdef>
Manual and weblinks:
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CVS Configuration Procedure – Install CVS – CVS Setup Guide


CVS Configuration – Install CVS

  • Procedure #1:-

Use rpm or up2date or yum command to install cvs:

for Redhat Use:-

rpm -ivh cvs
OR#    up2date cvs
for fedora use:-

yum install cvs
For Debian Users:-

apt-get install cvs

Create a CVS user#
useradd cvs
#     passwd cvs

Above command will create a user cvs and group cvs with /home/cvs home directory.
Configure CVS

Open /etc/profile and append following line:# vi /etc/profile
Append following line:
 export CVSROOT=/home/cvs
Save the file and exit to shell promot.

Make sure your /etc/xinetd.d/cvs looks as follows:

# less /etc/xinetd.d/cvsOutput:

service cvspserver
disable            = no
socket_type    = stream
wait                = no
user                = cvs
group              = cvs
log_type          = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
protocol          = tcp
env                 = ‘$HOME=/home/cvsroot’
bind                =
log_on_failure  += USERID
port                = 2401
server             = /usr/bin/cvs
server_args     = -f –allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

Note: Replace with your actual server IP address.

Restart xinetd:# service xinetd restartAdd users to this group (see this howto for more info)
# adduser username -g cvs

# passwd usernameClient configuration

Finally user can connect to this CVS server using following syntax:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:@:/home/cvs
$ cvs loginWhere,

* Login – username
* – CVS server IP

  • Procedure #2:-

1st Set CVS in /etc/profile as
export CVSROOT in .bashrc file

Creat a cvs directory
mkdir -p /home/cvs
cs /home/cvs/
touch Entries
touch Root
touch Repository
touch Templet

vi Entries
(should be empty)
then save and close.
vi Repository
edit as “./”
then save and close
vi Root
it shoud contain your path name…
eg:- pwd >> Root
save and quit
Vi Templet
edit BugID:
save and close
On Shell prompt
cvs init
cvs checkout ./
cvs add
cvs commit or ci

and have a look bellow links too..


if you are facing any problem then let me know..


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Process to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Windows


Link: http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion/

1. Platform and configuration

   Product: CollabNet Subversion server

   Certified platforms: Windows XP SP2, Win 2003(Standard Edition) R2

   Apache version: 2.2.8

   ViewVC: 1.0.5 (requires ActiveState Python 2.5)

   Repository format: fsfs (bdb support not included)

   Prerequisite: The user needs administrative privileges to install

   and uninstall CollabNet Subversion.

2. IMPORTANT: Apache version upgraded from 2.0 to 2.2

   With the CollabNet Subversion 1.5.0 release, we have upgraded the included

   Apache server version from 2.0 to 2.2. This is consistent with the

   packages we provide for other operating systems, and also upgrades our

   package to the best available version of Apache.

   This is important to existing users because your current Apache 2.0 server

   configuration cannot be automatically updated to the format of the Apache

   2.2 configuration file. If you allow the installer to upgrade your existing

   installation, it backs up your Apache conf, logs, and htdocs folders so

   that you can refer to your previous configuration when configuring your new


3. Installation tips

     If you install an Apache server, the installer asks you for a

     “Repository URL.” This represents the prefix of the URL which users can

     use to connect to Subversion. If you set this URL to ‘/svn’, then users

     can checkout their repository from:


     We recommend that you use ‘/svn’ as your URL prefix, as this is common


4. ViewVC installation

   Users of the Apache web server option can now also have ViewVC automatically

   installed and configured as part of the installation. You must have

   ActiveState’s ActivePython 2.5 installed before installing CollabNet Subversion.

   Download a free version of ActivePython from:


   You must install version 2.5.x.

5. Upgrade procedure

   When the installer detects a previous version, it offers to upgrade your existing

   installation. However, if you want to add ViewVC to your installation, we

   recommend you use the following process for an upgrade. In general, this is

   the best process for any upgrade scenario:

   1. Stop Apache or Subversion Server services, if running.

   2. Copy/back up any customizations that were done to your Apache installation.

     (For example, your httpd.conf file, a password database, any content you

      added to the htdocs folder, and so on.)

   3. Uninstall the currently installed version.

   4. Manually delete the existing folder if the installer did not remove it. The

      uninstall process does not remove files that were added or modified after


   5. Follow the normal install instructions for 1.5.

   6. Manually put back your Apache customizations. NOTE:  You cannot simply copy

      back the previous configuration file. You must make the appropriate edits

      to your new Apache 2.2 version of the configuration file.

6. Post-installation instructions

   The installer created a folder to store your repositories. You are not required

   to use this folder, but if you let the installer install the server to run as a

   service, then the server has also been configured to serve repositories from this

   location. It is a good idea to use the location you specified in the installer.

   A. Using svnserve


   To use svnserve as your server, follow these steps:

     1. Open a new terminal (command prompt).

        NOTE: If you have an old command prompt open (prior to the Subversion

              installation), remember to open a brand new command prompt.

     2. Create a subversion repository.

        cd <Repository_Path>

        svnadmin create <Repository_Name>

        For example:

        cd \repositories

        svnadmin create my-first-repos

     3. Setup a password database.

        Using notepad, edit the svnserve.conf file inside the conf directory of your


        For example:

        If your repository is C:\repositories\my-first-repos

        svnserve.conf is:


        Inside svnserve.conf, you see the following information:

         ### The password-db option controls the location of the password

         ### database file.  Unless you specify a path starting with a /,

         ### the file’s location is relative to the conf directory.

         ### Uncomment the line below to use the default password file.

         #password-db = passwd

       Follow the above instructions, and uncomment the “password-db=passwd”

       line, so that it simply says:

          password-db = passwd

     4. Setup usernames and passwords.

       Next, edit the passwd file. This passwd file is located in the

       same directory as svnserve.conf.

       Inside the passwd file, you see the following information:

       ### This file is an example password file for svnserve.

       ### Its format is similar to that of svnserve.conf. As shown in the

       ### example below it contains one section labelled [users].

       ### The name and password for each user follow, one account per line.


       #harry = harryssecret

       #sally = sallyssecret

       To add a new user account, add your own username and password

       inside the [users] section. For example, if your name is “joe”,

       and you want to set your password to “super-secret”, add a

       new line like this:

         joe = super-secret

       Add as many users as you like.

     5. Open Port on Windows firewall.

        Before starting the server, the firewall must be notified that

        this particular port is going to be used. To enable this port in the

        Windows firewall, follow the instructions found here:


        Note: svnserve.exe is the program name which needs to be added to the

        exceptions list. Alternatively, you can also use the port where

        you decide to run the server. By default, svnserve runs on 3690.

     6. Start svnserve.

        If you elected to have the installer setup svnserve as a service, then open

        the Services application, find the entry for the Subversion server, and take

        the Start option. The service has been configured to start automatically

        on reboot. You can also run this command from the command line:

        net start svnserve

        If you did not install svnserve as a service and want to start the server

        manually, run this command:

        svnserve -d -r <Repository_Path>

        For example: svnserve -d -r C:\repositories

     7. To provide read and write access to anonymous users, modify the

        conf/svnserve.conf file inside the repository.

        anon-access = write

        To restrict an anonymous user from the repository:

        anon-access = none

     8. Check out the repository.

        svn co svn://localhost/<Repository_Name>

        For example: svn co svn://localhost/my-first-repos

     Tip: If you check out your Subversion repository from a different computer,

     replace ‘localhost’ with the IP address or hostname of the machine which

     hosts the Subversion repository.

   B. Using Apache


   To use Apache as your server, follow these steps:

     1. Configure Apache.

        The installer did these steps automatically based on the repository location

        entered in the installer. This information is only presented if you want to

        manually modify the configuration.

        Use notepad to edit the httpd.conf file inside the httpd\conf directory of your

        CollabNet Subversion Server installation.

        Tip: By default, httpd.conf is in the following directory:

             C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion Server\httpd\conf\httpd.conf

        At the bottom of the httpd.conf file, you see a location directive that looks

        something like this:

          <Location /svn>

            DAV svn

            SVNParentPath C:\repositories


        Change the above section to look like the following:

          <Location /svn>

            DAV svn

            SVNParentPath C:\repositories

            SVNListParentPath On

            Require valid-user

            AuthType Basic

            AuthName “Subversion repository”

            AuthUserFile C:\repositories\password-file


     2. Open a new terminal (command prompt).

        NOTE: If you have an old command prompt open (prior to the Subversion

              installation), remember to open a new command prompt.

     3. Create Subversion users.

        Now create usernames with passwords that can be used to authenticate with

        Apache. Use the htpasswd command to create usernames and passwords for the

        Apache server.

        Type the following at the command prompt:

          htpasswd -cm <password-file> <username>

        This command prompts you for a password for the user. Enter the

        password and retype the password when prompted.

        For example: If you want to create a user ‘joe’, and the file at

        “C:\repositories\password-file”, type the following at the

         command prompt:

               htpasswd -cm C:\repositories\password-file joe

        Enter the desired password for the user and retype the password

        when prompted.

        For additional users, use the following command at the command prompt:

        htpasswd -m C:\repositories\password-file joe

     4. Create a Subversion repository.

        svnadmin create <Repository_Path>\<Repository_Name>

        For example: svnadmin create C:\repositories\my-first-repos

     5. Open Port on Windows firewall.

        Before starting the server, the firewall must be notified that

        this particular port is going to be used. To enable this port in the

        Windows firewall, follow the instructions found here:


        Note: apache.exe is the program name which you need add to the

        exceptions list. Alternatively, you can also use the port where

        you decide to run the server. By default, apache is run on 80.

     6. Start Apache.

        If you elected to have the installer set up Apache as a service, then open

        the Services application, find the entry for Apache/2, and take

        the Start option. The service was configured to start automatically

        on reboot. You can also run this command from the command line:

        net start apache2

        To start the server manually, run the following at the command prompt:


     7. Checkout the repository.

        svn co http://localhost/svn/<Repository_Name>

        For example: svn co http://localhost/svn/my-first-repos

        Tip: If you check out your Subversion repository from a different

        computer, replace ‘localhost’ with the IP address or hostname

        of the machine which hosts the Subversion repository.

7. Known issues

   When trying to access a repository via ViewVC, you might see an error

   trace that ends with this message:

      ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 182

   This error occurs when you have an older version of the OpenSSL DLLs in your

   PATH ahead of the CollabNet Subversion bin folder. Many Windows applications

   ship the OpenSSL DLLs and many of them also use older versions. To fix this


      1. Edit your PATH so that the CollabNet Subversion bin folder is at or

         near the beginning of your PATH.

      2. Reboot so that your Apache service can pick up the change.

8. Back-end support

  If you try to access an existing BDB (Berkeley DB) based repository through

  CollabNet Subversion, then you might receive an alert “Failed to load module

  for FS type ‘bdb’.” This is because CollabNet Subversion does not support BDB.

  CollabNet recommends FSFS over BDB for ease of maintenance and supportability.

9. Support for CollabNet Subversion

   Find out about CollabNet Technical Support at


   Information about CollabNet Training, Consulting, and Migration

   services is at http://www.collab.net/services/subversion/training.html

   Join openCollabNet for community support: http://open.collab.net

10 About Subversion and CollabNet

   CollabNet launched the Subversion project in 2000 in response to the demand

   for an open standard for Web-based software configuration management that

   could support distributed development. CollabNet continues to be strongly

   involved with the Subversion project and offers CollabNet Subversion Support,

   Training, and Consulting services.

   CollabNet also provides the most widely used collaborative development

   environment in the world. More than 1,400,000 developers and IT projects

   managers collaborate online through CollabNet. The company is transforming

   the way software is developed by enabling organizations to leverage global

   development talents to deliver better products and innovate faster.

   Visit CollabNet at http://www.collab.net for more information.

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How to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Solaris?


Link: http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion/solaris.html

1. Platform and configuration

Product: CollabNet Subversion client

Platforms: Solaris 10 SPARC

Prerequisite: You must be a superuser (root) to install and uninstall

CollabNet Subversion.

2. Import/Update CollabNet certificate

CollabNet Subversion Solaris packages are signed. As a one-time task,

import the CollabNet certificate using the command:

    sudo pkgadm addcert -ty certificate.pem

The CollabNet certificate is available for download at:


NOTE: the certificate has changed between 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 release.  The

certificate used for 1.5.0 had a short expiration date so we have created

a new certificate.  If you have previously installed the 1.5.0 certificate,

you must remove it before installing the new one:

    sudo pkgadm removecert “Alexander Thomas(AT)”

Once it is removed you can install the new certificate.

3. First installation

The command to install the CollabNet Subversion client, if a previous version

has not already been installed, is:

    sudo pkgadd -d /path/to/client-sparc-local

4. Updating an existing installation

The proper way to update a Solaris package is to remove the current version

and then install the new version.  If you have the CollabNet Subversion server

installed, you will need to remove it first.  Again, refer to the readme for

that package before proceeding.

    sudo pkgrm CSVNclnt

    sudo pkgadd -d /path/to/client-sparc-local

5. Post-installation instructions

A. CollabNet Subversion installs into /opt/CollabNet_Subversion, which is

   probably not on the executable search path for your system. Add the directory

   /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin to your $PATH environment variable. In order to

   make this change affect all users of your system and persists across reboots,

   add the following line to /etc/profile:


B. CollabNet Subversion provides man pages and localizations for several

   languages. To take advantage of these features, update your MANPATH and/or

   LOCPATH environment variables to include the CollabNet Subversion directories.

   For example:

    export MANPATH=/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/share/man:$MANPATH

    export LOCPATH=/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/share/locale:$LOCPATH

6. Support for CollabNet Subversion

Find out about CollabNet Technical Support at


Information about CollabNet Training, Consulting, and Migration

services is at http://www.collab.net/services/subversion/training.html

Join openCollabNet for community support: http://open.collab.net

7. About Subversion and CollabNet

CollabNet launched the Subversion project in 2000 in response to the demand

for an open standard for Web-based software configuration management that

could support distributed development. CollabNet continues to be strongly

involved with the Subversion project and offers CollabNet Subversion Support,

Training, and Consulting services.

CollabNet also provides the most widely used collaborative development

environment in the world. More than 1,400,000 developers and IT projects

managers collaborate online through CollabNet. The company is transforming

the way software is developed by enabling organizations to leverage global

development talents to deliver better products and innovate faster.

Visit CollabNet at http://www.collab.net for more information

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